公司簡介 Company Introduction

我司 (星航貨運服務有限公司) 於1982 年在香港註冊成立, 至今已有20多年的歷史, 目前己擁有7艏112至270 標箱 (TEU) 的可經營中國內外貿兼營的內河自航集裝箱專用船舶和4條100 至200 標箱 (TEU) 的香港集裝箱躉船以及香港集裝箱拖車多部, 總運力達2,000 個標箱, 是珠江三角洲實力較強的集裝箱水運企業之一並長期致力於集裝箱物流業務, 積累了豐富的集裝箱物流的運輸和交箱操作等一條龍服務的經驗, 特別是香港和珠江三角洲水域間的快捷空箱渡運業務。 多年來我司一直是中集集團 (CIMC) 物流業務可靠的戰略合作伙伴,並與全球著名船公司和租箱公司有著廣泛和穩定的空箱渡運合作基礎,如丹麥馬斯基,美國總統輪船和英國半島東方等船公司以及TRITON和CRONOS等集裝箱租賃公司, 並與眾多港口特別是深圳蛇口港區有著密切的友好合作關係。

我司除香港總部之外, 還在深圳蛇口, 江門新會和鶴山設有辦事處, 有許多位從事集裝箱和大宗散貨物流業務多年的專業人員, 可為廣大客戶在珠江三角洲區域提供優質, 便捷和多功能全方位的集裝箱及大宗散貨物流服務。

隨著中國對外開放繼續迅猛的發展, 客戶對物流業務會有越來越多的訴求, 我司有充分的信心, 按市場經濟的法則來滿足各種客戶所不同的需求, 無論我們做什麼, 都一定能做的比同行更好!


Starlite Forwarding Service Ltd. ("Starlite") was established in Hong Kong in 1982. Since then, Starlite has accumulated over 20 years' excellent experience in the sea transportation services especially in transporting of containers between Hong Kong and the Pearl River areas, including domestic and cross-border shipping businesses. Starlite owns 7 self- propeller river vessels, each with capactiy of 112 TEU to 270 TEU and 4 Hong Kong sea barges, each with capacity of 100 to 200 TEU and with a total capacity of about 2,000 TEU of empty container. Starlite also has its own container trucks in Hong Kong and provides a complete transportation service to our customers.

Starlite is one of the largest empty container transportation service companies with vast experience in the Pearl River region. Starlite has a long working relationship with CIMC which is our strategic logistics partner. Moreover, we also maintain strong business relationship with world famous companies like Maersk Line, APL, P&O and other container leasing companies such as TRITON and CRONOS for the transportation of both brand-new or used container transportation businesses. Furthermore, Starlite has a good and cooperative relationship with many container terminals in the Pearl River Delta, especially the Shekou Parts in Shenzhen China.

Headquarterd in Hong Kong, we have branch offices in Shekou of Shenzhen, Xinhui and Heshan in Jiangmen and an experienced team of logistic professionals to serve the needs of our customers. With the increased domestic and cross-border business activities in China, we strive to offer our customers the best transportation services in the region. It is our mission and believe that "Whatever we do, we do it better than others" !

c 2006 Starlite Forwarding Service Ltd.